Tuesday, 24 February 2009

A Castle Named Gonpachi...

Gonpachi, the upscale Izakaya with the pseudo-edo castle exterior along Nishi Azabu gains its fame through a number of US associations. Former Japanese Prime Minister Koizumi entertained former US President George Bush there when he came a-calling and the commodious interior was the inspiration behind the Kill Bill movies.

With the super high ceilings and a rustic interior of wooden alcoves and seating, the atmosphere is reminiscent of a large beer hall. Frequented largely by the expat community, this eatery is open for business till wee hours of the morning.

Yakitori, udon, soba and various other typical Izakaya fare form the bulk of the menu at Gonpachi. My fave though is the deep-fried Ebi Shinjyo. Sink your teeth into one and you will be rewarded instantaneously with the sweet and succulent flavours of the prawns trapped within. Paired together with a sweet chilli sauce, this funny looking dumpling along with all its spikes and spines is the absolute calorie-laden diet buster. But who is counting when it is this finger lickin' good;-P

Address: 1-13-11 Nishi-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Telephone: 03-5771-0170

Michelin: None

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