Wednesday, 18 March 2009

A Tribute To My Wunnerful, Wunnerful Friends...

I love my friends with their display of super prowess in bringing cheer to my birthday;)

Nothing can express my gratitude for the birthday wishes from all you gorgeous people.

Although I spent the day slogging away in the office, your sms-es, emails, phone calls, e-cards and facebook wishes just light up my day and make it just that little more bearable;)

I am so blessed to know you folks and even a limited edition Chanel bag will not get me half as excited as hearing from each and everyone of you, knowing that you are all good and well. And that is quite something! You know how I lurvvvvvve bags;)

I value all the friendship that you have all so generously bestowed upon me and thank you Cara, Velle, Joanne, Zul, Yoichi, Wann Ching & Princess Kate, Lisa, Grace, Bernardine, Andrew, Bernice, Yoko, Jimmy, Sey, Lee, Kelly, Michel, Terence, Angeline, Sue & Lara, Vicky, Andrea, Pat, Annette and last but not least Mickael!!!


xmickaelx said...

Happy birthday ;)

The Cheshire Cat said...

Hey dude, thanks;) Looking forward to our Nominhodai on Tue...hic, hic...

Anonymous said...

Ooh.. let's see how many glasses you guys can go during Happy Awa!