Saturday, 18 April 2009


Well into its 8th season, American Idol is fast becoming our weekly fixation. As the weekend beckons, chances are that you will find us glued to the boob box on a Saturday evening. We have even adapted to the American culture of "TV Dinners"as we sat balancing our dinner trays, transfixed on this 2 hour long weekly programme showcasing a wealth of singing talents.

In this season, Adam Lambert is my bet to walk away with the title as he croons, prances, seduces and worms his way into the audience's hearts week after week. The only tiresome thing is that the Fox cable network here telecast the episodes at such a snail's pace that I am forced to obtain my updates online. Imagine the unimaginable...we are still at the Top 10 stage!!! And a sure fire way to get under my other half's skin is to keep rattling incessantly about how blah, blah was voted off last night in the US and the poor dude gets all worked up about how I shouldn't spoil the surprise...heehee...I am pure evil as I am simply doing it just for the kick;)

Though some may say that American Idol's tried and tested formula is starting to show signs of wear and tear, I still revel in the high drama that follows an episode. In addition, moi is also an ardent fan of the witty Simon Cowell with his acid tongue;)

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