Tuesday, 13 May 2008


A Four Leaf Clover For Luck!

Life. It has so many twists and turns, ups and downs but yet I am still constantly surprised at what it can throw up.

I am saddened that a colleague is leaving Tokyo and moving back to Australia. It has been such a pleasure knowing him and I know that he adores this land of the rising sun but the scene in our office has been so chaotic of late that I guess this is inevitable. This is a sad reminder to the many farewells which will be taking place in the next two years of my life here.

Living in a foreign country away from the comfort and support network of family and friends makes one more vulnerable to farewells, I guess. Afterall, at this "ripe, old age", it is not the easiest to establish and develop deep, solid friendships. On the other hand, I have to say that I have been truly blessed in this department as I have met many super-nice, super-fantastic people here.

People like dear fashion savvy Joanne, who has moved back to Singapore last year and we have managed to keep in touch for the last eight months...and counting! "Kampai" to our friendship!

My current shopping and lunching "kaki", Estrel, who will be moving back soon. I am hopeful that we will keep our friendship going!

And loads and loads more fabulous people...(I apologise for not being able to list all you lovely dearies here but you gals/guys know who you are;p)

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