Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Back In Business...

My resurrected baby!!! Hooray!!! Hooray!!!

It has been a while. I bet many of you naysayers out there probably thought that I had bailed out and stopped blogging! Hohoho...not so fast!

Here comes the tragic story for the long period of absence...*voilin playing in the background*

On that dark and fateful night, with no signs of warning, my windows just refused to come to life. All I could do was look on helplessly as no amount of cajoling and begging could make it work again. Alas! Just when I thought that all was gone, my knight in shining armor came galloping...and "ta-da": may I now present my resurrected baby! Thanks to the IT guys in my office, it is not back in business, bigger, better and stronger!!!

I know you folks probably think that I am mental with this picture of blinking lights...but I am simply just a proud "parent"...*wink, wink*

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