Saturday, 28 May 2011

Double Twos

Sweet wall mural
Ala Winnie the Pooh setting with 2 "honeypots"
Ladies first...the usual hot girls-toting-alcohol-poster-combo that is so lethal!
Next comes the testosterone charged eye candies
Simple food on the house. Never knew raw cabbage with ketchup & mayo can taste so good!
One for the album with the BFF

Yes, was at Two Two (click here for previous post) only the day before yesterday with a like minded beer-guzzling pal. And yes, was here again yesterday, dragged by the Tokyo BFF after her curiosity got the better of her and she decided to go for the Two Two test drive. Afterall, the poor gal had already endured my umpteenth "live commentary" of the place with the super duper fried chicken.

Glad to have made it 2 evenings in a row though for ever since the cute Korean waitress left, I have yet to establish a new relationship with the current batch of say, (a grand total of) 2 servers (in their defence, the place is really quite tiny)! Now the one geeky Korean guy absolutely remembers us and threw a couple of freebies our way:)

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