Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Billowing Harem...

I am on my way to creating my own look with my Harem pants too;)

Harem or Aladdin-style pants have been the rage since last year and after turning up on almost every other runway collection, looks set to continue its bullish run into 2009 Spring Summer. With all that loose fabric hanging from the crotch, it can look like: (a) you have two chickens hiding up your crotch, or worse, (b) that you are in dire need to change your soggy diapers...all very unflattering thoughts indeed!

Not to be despondent though, there is a silver lining to these billowing pants afterall. Not only do they score high in the comfort stakes, they can be tres chic too if paired with the right top. Be it a blouse, shirt or jacket, take a cue from the designers and keep the top fitted and simple. Define the waist and with a pair of quintessential heels, we are now ready to embrace the trend!

So, to my dear other half, snigger all you want, I will wear mine with my head held high! Huh!

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